ClassNR is dedicated to the classification certification to promote the highest internationally adopted standards in the protection of safety of life and property at sea and inland waterways, as well as in the protection of the sea and inland waterways environment.
Our broad range of services encompass every aspect of ship assessment from the approval of vessel and machinery plans to the surveys and registration of ship installations, approval of materials, equipment and outfitting gear, as well as the assessment and registration of ship safety management systems and security systems. We offers innovative solutions that go beyond simple compliance with:
As of the end of December 2019, ClassNR provides Statutory Certification and registration services to 516 vessels.

Once construction of the ship has begun, ClassNR surveyors will certify that all materials, components, and fittings have been properly approved, and conduct regular surveys during the construction process. Once the new building has been surveyed to the satisfaction of the surveyor, a certificate of classification or installation registration, as appropriate, is issued and the ship is entered into ClassNR’s Register of Ships. Such registration by the Society ensures the ship is recognized by port and flag administrations around the world, as well as underwriters all over the world.